Falling asleep is something that everyone approaches slightly differently. Some people can fall asleep almost anywhere, at any time, while others require complete darkness and silence. Additionally, some people with sleep apnea have difficulty getting a good night’s sleep.
If you or your sleep partner fall into this latter category and use a CPAP machine, it can be difficult to figure out how to make the noise the machine makes less intrusive so that you can sleep soundly.
We’ll look at some strategies in this post to help you and your partner get a good night’s sleep with as little disruption from the noise of your CPAP machine as possible (and put the counting of sheep to rest)!
Are CPAP Machines Loud?

f you are wondering how loud a CPAP machine is, depending on the brand and model of the device. The noise produced can vary significantly from person to person and from machine to machine, so we realize that may not be the conclusive response you were hoping for. While some claim their device is extremely quiet, others claim it is quite loud.
Modern CPAP machines are generally very quiet. However, it might be based on the machine model. One of the main worries for most people (and their partners!) starting out on CPAP therapy is whether or not their device will be loud.
There are a wide variety of sleep apnea machines on the market from numerous manufacturers, and finding one that best suits your and your partner’s needs can involve a bit of research. If you are worried about the noise level and don’t already own a CPAP machine, be sure to pay close attention to this point when weighing your options. Continue reading for additional noise-reduction tips if you already have a CPAP machine that you’re happy with.
Why My CPAP Mask is Loud
You can do a lot of things to make your CPAP mask quieter if it makes noise when you breathe in or out. Just be aware that since the port on the front of your mask is intended for carbon dioxide release, it will continue to be released while you sleep.
Adjust Your CPAP Mask
Having an uncomfortable fit is a common cause of loud CPAP masks. Your mask may leak air if it is too loose or too tight. Keep in mind that your mask should be snug but not too tight. It should support your facial features without pressing or hurting you.
You might have the wrong size if your mask is still leaking after adjusting the fit. For a better fit or a different look, think about modifying the headgear or changing the cushion size.
Dampen the Din of Your CPAP Machine
Some individuals think CPAP machines are very noisy. If this annoys you, there are some things you can do to reduce the sound of the machine. Utilizing earplugs or noise-canceling headphones is a good solution. These noise-cancelling devices can help reduce some noise so that it is less audible.
Utilizing a white noise machine in your bedroom is a popular alternative. White noise machines have been said to be able to drown out your CPAP machine’s noise in a way that many people find soothing, though that option might not be ideal if you’re sensitive to any noise at all.
Put CPAP Machine Noise in Its Place
If you or your partner sleep lightly, then you know that one of the most frequent questions new users of CPAP machines ask is: “How loud are they?”
While every CPAP machine is unique, some CPAP machines are made to be very quiet. The good news is that there are many ways to reduce the impact of a CPAP machine’s noise on you and your partner.
For example, many devices have adjustable settings for both sound and airflow, and while it may take some experimentation, most users report being able to settle on a happy medium. It should be noted that before changing your CPAP machine’s settings, it is a good idea to consult a healthcare provider.
If you don’t want to play around with your CPAP machine’s settings, you can also try moving your machine’s location. Place your CPAP machine as far away from your sleeping area as possible. Another strategy that has proven effective for many people who have experienced a similar situation is moving your machine away from your bed.
Change CPAP Mask Types
You might be using the incorrect kind of mask for your pressure settings. For example, if you have a high CPAP pressure setting it’s best to use a full face mask to disperse the air across your nose and mouth.
If you have a nasal CPAP mask, but you’re a mouth breather you may snore or exhale loudly, disturbing your partner.
However, since they take up less room, nasal and nasal pillow CPAP masks are advantageous. The full face mask has a higher risk of leaking because it forms a tighter seal.
Change Your CPAP Cushion
Your cushion experiences a lot of wear and tear as you use your CPAP mask night after night to get better sleep. It comes into contact with bacteria, dead skin cells, oil from your skin, and other things that eventually degrade the mask’s materials.
As the cushion breaks down it can crack and lead to leaks, so if your CPAP mask suddenly begins making a noise that it didn’t make before it could mean that it’s time to change your cushion. To guarantee optimum performance, it should be routinely replaced along with your other CPAP supplies in accordance with their replacement schedule.
Clean Your CPAP Mask
Debris begins to accumulate as your CPAP cycles air and you breathe into it. Dead skin cells, bacteria, allergens, moisture, and more can build-up. Remove this gunk by regularly cleaning your CPAP mask and supplies to help them last longer.

The Noise-Free Sleep You Need
Purchase of a CPAP machine may be your best option if you or your partner suffer from sleep apnea and want to consistently get the restful and rejuvenating sleep you require. While it may require research and experimentation to find what works best for you, finding a balance that keeps the noise level down while still providing the needed airflow is crucial. Now that you’ve learned some effective methods for reducing CPAP machine noise, from earplugs to a completely different CPAP machine, you can put them to use.
Final Words
Your CPAP machine shouldn’t be making a lot of noise; if it just started, something needs to be fixed.
Treatment should not be louder than a whisper – after all, you’re supposed to be sleeping. If your equipment is making loud noises, some of the parts might not be connected properly, causing air to escape (or ‘leak’ out). The machine, humidifier, tube, or mask are typically good candidates for where the noise or leak is coming from.